This section is all you need to explore Democracy with young people…
You can find a suggested session plan here:
Be The Change Workshop Programme
Click here to download our democracy quiz
What is Democracy – a film by Mouth That Roars
Councillor Bramble (Documentary) – a film by Mouth That Roars
Game: Your Local Council Decides
Ask young people to choose 2-3
Councillors from your group (more if you have a large group) – you could vote them in.
Divide the group into small teams. Tell them they have £1000 which must be spent on an issue that that helps young people in their local community. Each team should discuss how they think the money should be spent and plan a short ‘pitch’ to feedback to the Councillors. Once all the teams have ‘pitched’ their ideas the Councillors should discuss and vote on which team gets the funding and why.
As a whole group discuss:
How easy/difficult was it to agree what issue should be pitched to the Councillors?
How easy/difficult was it for the Councillors to decide who got the money?
How fair was this experience – could it have been made it fairer?
You can find all our games here
All films were made for young people by young people.