‘Often it is those we least expect to have an opinion, who actually offer the most thought provoking and challenging perspective on the world.’ – MTR
Mouth That Roars (MTR) a Young People’s Rights Media Organisation which was set up with the sole purpose of skilling marganlised young people in media. Supporting young people to tell their own stories, producing enlightening and challenging dramas, documentaries, animations and more….https://www.oureverydaylives.tv/blog/26-years-of-mtr/
MTR encourages active participation and cultural exchange through the process of film making. Through democratic workshop processes, young people are able to challenge mainstream opinion, that often doesn’t reflect their lived experience. Young people review and critically analysing their worlds and others to then produce informed media.
MTR enables young people who are misrepresented, a space to be heard and a medium in which they can voice their thoughts and feelings. Youth work practice and Children’s Rights underpins everything we do.
Click here for more MTR information and watch https://www.oureverydaylives.tv/blog/what-we-think-about-mtr/
If you are between 10-19 years old (25 years SEND) and live or study in Hackney, check out our FREE regular film workshop – You can contact us on 020 7729 2323/email mouththatroars@btconnect.com – Funded by Young Hackney and Hackney Council