

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
    – Alice Walker


‘Be The Change’ is a democracy education programme designed by young people and the team at Mouth That Roars. We want to amplify young people’s voices in our democratic institutions and processes. We want to empower young people to be get involved in decision making that impacts their lives and their communities. We want more young people to trust that change is possible and within their reach.

“Be The Change” webpack has been designed by young people to help others think through what matters to them and explore what they can do about it. As part of their own learning process, our team of young researchers used film and photography to create social media content and workshop activities following the themes: Democracy, Human Rights and Activism.

The webpack includes a series of short films, quizzes and games which can be used in any youth or educational setting. Just follow the links on this page. Young people have also designed a workshop plan and learning outcomes, which can be adapted depending on the number of sessions and participants. Workshops are designed to be interactive, and youth led, and Mouth That Roars recommends that youth facilitators and educators explore ways of using creative media and arts as a means to engage young people in the learning process.

Be The Change is a media, educational webpack designed by young people for young people. Below you can find all the resources needed to explore the topic of Democracy through media.

Democracy, What?

Human Rights, Why?

Activism, How?


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